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(this article has ever been published on Natgeo Indonesia website of Travel Story competition)

Lets Take a Glance to The Beauty of Indonesian Tropical Rainforest of Berau, East Borneo. Every people must have their dreams to visit somewhere place. Mine came true on last February 2015, when I got a chance to explore East Borneo, a paradise of rainforest ecosystem which I want to visit the most. The beauty never fades away, permanently saved on my mind. I really am amazed with the rich of biodiversity found there. Well known of its mascot, Buceros rhinoceros hornbills, East Borneo especially Berau saved treasures under its soil. My friends and I stayed for about two months to flirt with nature of Berau. Coal mining and fast regeneration dipterocarp trees were completely a magic. Every morning we had to get up early to seek for kerantungan which had fallen from its tree . We can also find lahung and lay. Lahung had red thorns, while lay’s were yellow. Kerantungan, lahung and lay were kind of endemic fruits, the same family as durian. Bird perching and a morning fog rising...

You Never Really Know What’s Buried behind the Smile (when you have no one to blame on, when you have to fix all the mess alone, just put your headset on, and listen to your favorite song. For me, it is -ROAR-)

Orang kadang melihat kita sebagai pribadi yang selalu bahagia. Tapi mereka tidak tahu bahwa ada hal lain yang tersembunyi di balik “kebahagiaan fana” yang terlihat nyata.  Mungkin dia depresi, mungkin sebenarnya dia tertekan, tapi dia hanya tidak ingin menambah kesengsaraan itu dengan menunjukkan pada dunia apa yang ia rasakan, and the world just stare and ignore. Atau memang karena dia hanya ingin membuat orang lain melihat apa-apa yang baik saja, yang mungkin bisa di bilang kind of : spread a positive vibe, rather than share the misery . And that happened to me right now. Belajar dari keluarga yang kurang demokratis, mungkin karena memang aku kurang bisa menyampaikan pendapat dengan baik, kurang bisa menyembunyikan emosi, perasaan, bahkan untuk merangkai satu dua kata pun kadang terbata-bata karena menahan air mata. Sungguh dari semua kejadian yang aku alami dalam hidup, tahun-tahun yang mungkin sulit, aku masih sangat sangat bersyukur atas semuanya. Dan yang paling berat...

( Looking back to ) My December

Years after the day of my birth When God sent me to his beautiful earth Completed with an angel in faithful heart Today I stand here with my own feet My own dream, courage, and spirit I let them flow as wherever they may lead And follow every step which is needed I know that a great tree comes from a little seed Simply like it be Simply like you see Though the rain comes with wind and thunder I swear not to surrender ‘Cause I love how You make it sweet and bitter Then I start to remember Count and consider All Your favors are outnumber I was regret for the seconds I spent abstractly It just because sometimes I feel lonely I’ve denied that You’ve granted me so much mercy And so is misery, just to give me a fabulous journey O Allah You’re the Greatest Author The most Powerful Creator I am sorry before For the things I’ve never thanked for Sorry for Walking out the corridor See Down the road, I will be The better ve...

PURWOREJO- From The Exotic Black Sand To The Biggest Beduk In The World

Every place is special on their version.  Let me introduce you, Purworejo, a small city located in Central Java-or I usually called it “near Yogyakarta” when people ask me where is it. Purworejo is not really well known as another city that people dream to visit. But for me, Purworejo is more than special. Not only because I was born there, but also because it keeps beauty which nobody notices well.  So, let see what I have to tell you about how amazing Purworejo is . Exotic Black Sand Connected with Indian Ocean When you visit Purworejo, please come to Jetis Beach, or Jatimalang beach, or Ketawang Beach. Oh, I think all of which are fabulously gorgeous.  Jetis beach has colorful umbrellas and evergreen conifers of Casuarina equisetifolia . It is truly nice to have picnic there with your families, buddies, or, sweeties perhaps? Ketawang beach has light house and you can climb it to see breathtaking view of deep Blue Ocean meets with exotic black sand. You ca...

About to come

One fine day in rainy season A young girl looks at lily blossoms Wondering her second hand’s moving quickly Forgetting she’s been there and sitting quietly She longs for a miracle Not many but a little That can save her from the battle  She’s been waiting for ages Seems like she’s trapped in cages Another morn she wakes up with no proud Just staring at the moving cloud Mourning and thinking out loud Oh wait, Girl The miracle is about to come Not once but some Then you don’t need to be worried For all your burdens will be buried She knows she won’t go foremost That’s why she keeps her fingers crossed Prays for something she has lost Wishes things do not get worse Oh, smile dear Don’t you see the time is near? Now you’ll have no more fear  December, 29 2017

Ya Rabb, I am waiting for the happy ending (Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining)

November, 29 2017 Biar kuceritakan padamu, tentang kisah yang mungkin membuka matamu, sepenggal cerita yang belum usai tercipta. Pagi itu aku bahagia karena pengumuman pendaftaran CPNS Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan resmi dibuka. I said, " Oh My God, this is what I have been waiting for so long !" Bapak ibu kebetulan sedang melaksanakan ibadah haji, kuhubungilah mereka dan kuminta untuk mendoakan anaknya. Berkas-berkas pun kusiapkan, dengan berbekal semangat dan tawakal, kudapatkan nomor pendaftaran. Grup kelas riuh sama sama mengabarkan. Kawan seperjuanganku ramai-ramai memberi tanggapan. " I know, this will be a good story, a drama ".  Ada Miratunnisa disana, sahabatku yang tengah hamil tua. Hampir setiap waktu kami berjibaku, berlempar tanya, berbagi tawa, saling menguatkan dan mendoakan agar kami bisa sampai di tahap akhir, yang semua orang idamkan. Alhamdulillah seleksi pertama terlewati. Kami lolos administrasi. Lalu tibalah ...

A letter for my angels

Dear  Mum, Dad. If only you can read this, if only I can tell you directly. I have no idea how to say thanks and grateful I am to have parents like you. I know it’s hard, I know you have worked hard for me, and my brother. I don’t want to let you down, never. You support me that much, let me reach my dream. Oh, if only you understand how I love this ‘stuff’, how I love this Allah’s creature. From my very first job until this one, the second, I still could not give you something. Instead of giving what you both want, I am asking more and more. This is so bad for a girl in my age, 25 this year but I still have not got job that you wish. But this is I am, you know, I have another purpose in my life better than collecting money. Oh, you have known it from my youth. I want to make this beauty sustains. I want to be, one who is truly written in Al-Qur’an, a Caliph. When nobody understands, I want you to still stand. When nobody cares, I want to be the survivor. Sometimes I think ou...

Lemme be Your Caliph

People live with their own passion Some work in government, servicing nation They ease administration to be easier action Some with their private sectors produce products which give benefits to customers Some become teacher, to sincerely share their knowledge giving advice and orders to make our generation smarter Some reach transportation way For they witness a question of why Between hello and good bye But someone else chooses to be with another Allah's creature Something that is called nature to take care of them to make sure about the existence in the future to carry out a trusteeship As a Caliph But whatever your job is, may the goodness always be with you :) ~Uvi (Januari 2017)