Dear Allah, thanks so much for giving me this chance. After graduate, I never imagine my life will continue like what. In my thoughts, I'll be like another job seekers, hunt job everywhere, join every jobfairs, and of course I did. But Allah showed me the way through my lecture, he gives me reccomendation to work in GIZ, an international organizations donor which handle cooperation between Indonesia and Germany in many aspects. I was put in Forclime Project and here I am, become the junior staff in National Secretary of Forest Management Unit development ( Sekretariat Nasional Pembangunan KPH). We do communication with many parties, and what I do now is helping the executive secretary to revise Government Regulation. I just feel, how cool it is ! I pray to Allah in order that He let me participate in forestry sector, do something to my beloved forest, and now my job is the answer. I know the draft will be discussed to many parties and we just can deliver our mind , it is not us who decides. But at least I feel so honorable. 
emmm but, I'm still counting the day when I will be working at conservation or CIFOR-my dream. Cant imagine how my life will go for the entire next 4 months ( my internship contract will be ended on September). Always hope the best to Allah ! Bismillah


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Ya Rabb, I am waiting for the happy ending (Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining)