This is about my personality :))

Halo..selamat malam..berhubung lagi ga enak badan, udah deh istirahat total di kostan sambil santai aja..Untungnya besok libur jadi bisa full take a rest. Iseng-iseng aja nih ikutan tes kepribadian. Dan ini nih hasilnya, gue bangaet daah !! :D

test pertama, pakai bahasa indonesia ini, lebih ke persetujuan dengan pernyataan-pernyataan yang ada dan kecenderungan ke arah mana. dan hasilnya....


Tipe Idealis Spontan adalah orang-orang kreatif, periang, dan berpikiran terbuka. Mereka penuh humor dan menularkan semangat menikmati hidup. Antusiasme dan semangat mereka yang menyala-nyala menginspirasi orang lain dan menghanyutkan mereka. Mereka menikmati kebersamaan dengan orang lain dan sering memiliki intuisi yang jitu mengenai motivasi dan potensi orang lain. Tipe Idealis Spontan adalah pakar komunikasi dan penghibur berbakat yang sangat menyenangkan. Keriaan dan keragaman dijamin saat ada mereka. Namun demikian, kadang-kadang mereka terlalu impulsif saat berhubungan dengan orang lain dan dapat menyakiti orang tanpa bermaksud demikian, karena sifat mereka yang blak-blakan dan terkadang kritis.

Tipe kepribadian ini adalah pengamat yang tajam dan awas; mereka tidak akan ketinggalan satu kejadian pun di sekitar mereka. Dalam kasus ekstrem, mereka cenderung terlalu sensitif serta waspada berlebihan dan dalam hati siap melompat. Kehidupan bagi mereka adalah drama yang menggairahkan penuh keragaman emosi. Namun demikian, mereka cepat menjadi bosan ketika hal-hal terjadi berulang dan dibutuhkan terlalu banyak detail serta ketelitian. Kreativitas, daya khayal, dan orisinalitas mereka paling mudah dikenali ketika mengembangkan proyek atau ide baru – kemudian mereka menyerahkan seluruh pelaksanaan rincinya kepada orang lain. Secara singkat, tipe Idealis Spontan sangat bangga akan kemandiriannya, baik di dalam diri maupun yang tampak dari luar, dan tidak suka menerima peran bawahan. Oleh karena itu mereka memiliki masalah dengan hirarki dan otoritas.

Jika Anda memiliki tipe Idealis Spontan sebagai teman, Anda tidak akan pernah bosan; bersama mereka, Anda dapat menikmati kehidupan sebaik-baiknya dan merayakannya dengan pesta-pesta terbaik. Di saat bersamaan, mereka hangat, peka, penuh perhatian, dan selalu bersedia membantu. Jika seorang Idealis Spontan baru jatuh cinta, langit dipenuhi biola dan pasangan mereka akan dihujani perhatian dan kasih sayang. Tipe ini kemudian berlimpah dengan pesona, kelembutan, dan imajinasi. Namun, sayangnya, begitu kebaruan itu luntur dengan cepat akan membosankan bagi mereka. Kehidupan berpasangan sehari-hari yang membosankan tidak cocok untuk mereka sehingga banyak tipe Idealis Spontan keluar-masuk percintaan sesaat. Namun demikian, jika pasangannya bisa membuat rasa ingin tahu mereka tetap hidup dan tidak membiarkan rutinitas dan keakraban melanda, tipe Idealis Spontan dalam menjadi pasangan yang menginspirasi dan penuh kasih sayang.

Sifat-sifat yang menggambarkan tipe ini: spontan, antusias, idealis, ekstrovert, teoritis, emosional, santai, ramah, optimis, memesona, suka membantu, mandiri, individualis, kreatif, dinamis, periang, humoris, penuh semangat hidup, imajinatif, mudah berubah, mudah menyesuaikan diri, setia, peka, menginspirasi, mudah bergaul, komunikatif, sulit ditebak, ingin tahu, terbuka, mudah tersinggung.

cek kepribadian kalian juga ya Gaaiisss. Disini nih

Nah kalo yang kedua ini kita harus jawab 60 pertanyaan pakai bahasa inggris sih, bisalah sambil buka gugeltranslet,ahaha
Entar ada pilihannya setuju atau gak setuju, coba ntar liat sendiri di linknya. Ada 16 tipe kepribadian , dan gue masuk yang ...........

Apa itu ? jawabannya ternyata mirip sama tes pertama,

Forming around 7% of the population, people with the ENFP personality type tend to be curious, idealistic, and often mystical. They seek meaning and are very interested in other people’s motives, seeing life as a big, complex puzzle where everything is connected. Not surprisingly, ENFPs tend to be very insightful and empathic individuals. This, plus their charm and social skills, often makes them very popular and influential.
On the other hand, this can also be a disadvantage as the ENFP is likely to worry about not being sufficiently original or spontaneous. If they are not careful, this personality trait can lower their self-esteem.
ENFP personalities are usually characterized by high levels of enthusiasm, especially when it comes to things that spark their imagination. In such cases, ENFPs can be very energetic and convincing; they are able to easily persuade other people to join their cause. Ironically, this trait can also turn against the ENFP, when they suddenly find themselves center stage, being seen as leaders and inspiring gurus by other people. ENFPs strive to be independent, so they do not always welcome such attention.
ENFP personalities are very emotional and sensitive, believing feelings are something everyone should take time to understand and express. However, this trait can also cause a lot of stress for them as ENFPs may often focus too much on other people’s motives and the possible meanings behind their actions. People with this personality type are sharp-eyed and intuitive, but they can make serious mistakes when they try to use their interpretation of other people’s emotions as a basis for their decisions.
ENFPs are also likely to have difficulties dealing with routine, administrative matters. They are more interested in freedom and inspiration than security and stability, and this attitude is usually clearly visible: an ENFP would rather try to come up with an interesting solution or an idea, no matter how difficult that is, than deal with simple yet boring tasks.
People with the ENFP personality type know how to relax, drawing on their imagination, enthusiasm, and people skills. For instance, they can be very serious and passionate about work during the day and then later let off steam at a wild party in a nightclub. This switch between the two modes can often be instantaneous, surprising even their closest friends.
Finally, ENFPs are non-conformists, following their own path and trusting their intuition. Their talents are numerous, but they all depend on the ENFP being given enough freedom. People with this personality type can quickly become impatient and dejected if they get stuck in a boring role where they are unable to freely express themselves. But when the ENFP finally finds their place in the world, their imagination, empathy, and courage are likely to produce incredible results.
Dan ini nih kelemahan dan kelebihannya orang-orang kaya gue

ENFP strengths

  • Observant. ENFP personalities believe that there are no irrelevant details or actions. They try to notice everything, seeing all events as part of a big, mysterious puzzle called life.
  • Very popular and friendly. ENFPs are altruistic and cooperative, doing their best to be empathic and friendly in every situation. They can get along with nearly everyone and usually have a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
  • Energetic and enthusiastic. ENFPs are always eager to share their ideas with other people and get their opinions in return. Their enthusiasm is contagious and very inspiring at the same time.
  • Know how to relax. People with this personality type know how to switch off and have fun, simply experiencing life and everything it has to offer. Their wild bursts of enthusiastic energy can often surprise even their closest friends.
  • Excellent communicators. ENFPs tend to have great people skills, and they instantly know how to present their ideas in a convincing way. They can handle both small talk and deep, meaningful conversations, although the ENFP’s definition of small talk may be somewhat unusual—they will steer the conversation toward ideas rather than weather, gossip, etc.
  • Curious. ENFPs are very imaginative and open-minded. They enjoy trying out new things and do not hesitate to go outside their comfort zone if necessary.

ENFP weaknesses

  • Highly emotional. ENFP personalities tend to have very intense emotions, seeing them as an inseparable part of their identity. This may often cause the ENFP to react strongly to criticism, conflicts, or tension.
  • May have poor practical skills. ENFPs are brilliant when it comes to solving problems, creating processes, or initiating projects (especially if they involve other people). However, they are likely to find it difficult to follow through and deal with the practical, administrative side of things.
  • Overthink things. ENFPs always look for hidden motives and tend to overthink even the simplest things, constantly asking themselves why someone did what they did and what that might mean.
  • Get stressed easily. ENFPs are very sensitive and care deeply about other people’s feelings. This can cause them a lot of stress sometimes: people often look to them for guidance and encouragement, and the ENFP cannot always say “yes.”
  • Find it difficult to focus. People with the ENFP personality type lose interest quickly if their project shifts toward routine, administrative matters. They may not be able to stop their mind from wandering off.
  • Very independent. ENFPs loathe being micromanaged or restrained by rules and guidelines. They want to be seen as highly independent individuals, masters of their own fate
source :
Lewat sini ntar kita bisa liat lebih jauh tentang persahabatan, karir, atau sisi kehidupan laindari setiap tipe kepribadian, BUkan kaya zodiac sih..
Ayo cek cek cek disini

Pokoknya itu gue banget, suka seni, humoris, ramah ( ahaha), gampang bete, gak bisa kontrol emosi, gampang kepengaruh, gampang stres.. Gue rasa akurat kok hasilnya. Selamat mencoba :D


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