
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2017

A letter for my angels

Dear  Mum, Dad. If only you can read this, if only I can tell you directly. I have no idea how to say thanks and grateful I am to have parents like you. I know it’s hard, I know you have worked hard for me, and my brother. I don’t want to let you down, never. You support me that much, let me reach my dream. Oh, if only you understand how I love this ‘stuff’, how I love this Allah’s creature. From my very first job until this one, the second, I still could not give you something. Instead of giving what you both want, I am asking more and more. This is so bad for a girl in my age, 25 this year but I still have not got job that you wish. But this is I am, you know, I have another purpose in my life better than collecting money. Oh, you have known it from my youth. I want to make this beauty sustains. I want to be, one who is truly written in Al-Qur’an, a Caliph. When nobody understands, I want you to still stand. When nobody cares, I want to be the survivor. Sometimes I think ou...

Lemme be Your Caliph

People live with their own passion Some work in government, servicing nation They ease administration to be easier action Some with their private sectors produce products which give benefits to customers Some become teacher, to sincerely share their knowledge giving advice and orders to make our generation smarter Some reach transportation way For they witness a question of why Between hello and good bye But someone else chooses to be with another Allah's creature Something that is called nature to take care of them to make sure about the existence in the future to carry out a trusteeship As a Caliph But whatever your job is, may the goodness always be with you :) ~Uvi (Januari 2017)


TIPS MENANG LOMBA FOTO INSTAGRAM Haii Guys... Kali ini aku mau berbagi tips alias strategi yang mungkin bisa membantu kalian yang hobinya foto-foto. Jaman sekarang instagram menjadi media yang paling mudah dan paling banyak digunakan untuk berbagi momen, tak kecuali mengiklankan produk tertentu dengan mengadakan lomba foto. Nah, kalau udah sering ikut lomba foto tapi belum menang, jangan sedih, jangan nyerah, coba lagi, lihat peluang yang ada. Gadget nggak masalah, kalau sekarang belum bisa eksplorasi dengan gadget, coba mainkan ide kreatifmu, coba cari sudut terbaik, gak perlu harus 'blur' buat dapetin foto kece (walaupun gadget / jenis kamera juga berpengaruh). So, ini dia startegi alias tips dari aku  , kuy simak ya ! 1. Cek syarat yang diperlukan dalam lomba Ini nih yang paling umum, cek dulu semua persyaratannya, jangan sampai ada yang ketinggalan. Biasanya pihak panitia menggunakan tagar/hastag khusus untuk lomba, oh ya jangan di private ya akun kalian 2....